Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sleeping Buddies

Hey y'all - I have a bed buddy. His name is Mr. Guiness. He's going to continue to be my friend because I just discovered that he is only 125 calories (the draught version). Sam Adams Light, which is the only light beer I will drink, is 119 cals. So, I rather hang out with Guiness than with Sam.
Last night, at the suggestion of one of my directs, I decided to dine with Mr. Guiness, instead of getting together with him later in the evenings (usually 9pm). It worked really well. I had dinner around 8pm and by 10:30 I was fast sleep. Managed to sleep 7 hours, which were sorely needed, let me tell you.
So now that I have slept, and am in a much better mood because of it, I will go back to stitching tonight.
Tomorrow I will be participating in a Stitch A Thon that will last all weekend. I plan to be stitching on The Rose Garden, which has been neglected long enough, and seeing how much I can stitch.


Blogger Unknown said...

I had to lol just a little because my DH says alcohol will cure anything that ails you and perhaps he may be on to something there! Wishing you continued sweet dreams.

8:19 PM  

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