Saturday, June 2, 2007

If Found, Please Return To...

I have lost my stitching mojo. It's gone, all gone. Haven't stitched in a while. Three weeks this Sunday, I think. Well, that's not exactly true. I did make it to my LNS last Tuesday for the weekly SAL and finished the little backstitching that was left to "Stitch".

In part, I have been busy with Nick and with the job hunt. My phone has been ringing off the hook and I've had 2 interviews a day, which is the most I feel I can do, since Nick needs help. We had to go to the VA last week, and to the orthopedic this Tuesday. Then Nick forgot to ask for a refill of his pain meds, and I had to go back to pick it up and then drive down to Miami to fill it, which is about 40 miles from where we live.

Nick is still on narcotics and when I picked up his script, I noticed it was this time for 60 Vicodins WITH a refill. It's two weeks since surgery and, frankly, I think the doctor is nuts. I can understand enough for one more week, but certainly, after 3 weeks he should not need narcotics any longer and should be switched to Ibuprofen 800 or something similar.

My decorating mojo has taken center stage. My sons will be moving back in and I feel like a new look. Taking my time with it and plan to consult a professional to help me this time. I got so many ideas and it's hard to pick which one to go with sometimes.

As for the job hunt, I have at the present time, 3 very nice offers and two more places that keep calling me to see if I am still interested (i.e. not accepted other offers) which will certainly be tendering offers early next week. I believe. I guess it's a good problem to have, but it's hard to decide who to go with.
Also, sometime in late May, while I was running around like a chicken with head cut off, this blog had its third anniversary.
So, if you see my stitching mojo laying around somewhere - or my keys (which still haven't turned up) - please let me know.


Blogger Unknown said...

When larger events take center stage, family, friends, new jobs; it can be difficult to concentrate on hobbies. Especially if your home environment is being turned upside down, you need to get that in order before you return to stitching. And when you do return, pick something fun; something small, that you can spend an hour on, and then go back to work. No pressure. We stitch to relax. Until you can relax, don't worry yourself about it.

1:42 AM  
Blogger claudia said...

I think maybe my stitching mojo and yours have run off together for a holiday on their own. Mine's been gone a while, I know someday it will come back, so I'm not freaking out yet.

11:28 PM  
Blogger d said...

Congrats on all the job offers. I'm so jealous. I contemplate applying elsewhere but keep thinking I need to stay put temporarily.

Haven't seen your mojo - lost mine too. LOL. Love the pic though - what is it?


11:46 PM  

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