Sunday, September 5, 2004

Back After Frances

As far as storm damage, there is nothing here to report except some widespread pruning of trees and palm trees. We were very lucky. We returned home Saturday after the 11am advisory showed that most of the dangerous weather had already passed to our north. We've had the power flicker since then, and a three-hour outage yesterday. Right now we are without water, the City of Hallandale has a recording saying they are working to repair a water main that was damaged during the hurricane. We have plenty of water to drink, so we should be okay.

Unfortunately, my computer was evacuated and I did not pick it up until late last night. I could have used a distraction from the relentless television coverage of Hurricane Frances. Since Thursday morning, on all local channels, is had been non-stop Frances coverage until last night. By Friday I was already sick of it, but had to watch to know what was happening.

I didn't manage to stitch much, despite my having all this "free" time, mainly because I was too worried to concentrate. I could stitch for a little while, but then had not desire to continue, or I would have to count over and over and over because my head was just too full to handle one more thing. I only kept one piece with me, the Sampler Gameboard and I stitched all of four squares in the past three days - and two of them had hardly any stitching to them. Well, I guess it's better than nothing.

Today I may bring my stuff back from where I evacuated it to and put everything back to where it was. I evacuated ALL my cross stitch stash and all my software and computer stuff, along with all photographs and important papers. Tells you what my priorities are.

So, my dear friends, thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I am fine and should be back to posting regularly tomorrow.


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